What We’re Looking Forward to at the Interior Design Show in Toronto
Thoughtfulness, practicality, and efficiency are at the core of Deprolabs. Striving to manufacture products that make your life easier, Deprolabs focuses on smart technology that’s easy-to-use, attractive, and fits into your lifestyle.
When we saw the Interior Design Show in Toronto was coming up, we knew we wanted to attend to learn what kinds of other technology are emerging in both home and office design. When we read the schedule and speakers for the conference, we knew this was the event for us! There are a few speakers and seminars we’re excited for in particular. In this post, we’ll share the top four sessions we’re looking forward to at the Interior Design Show in Toronto.
Everyday Generative Design: An Overview of New Technology for Practical Applications in Interior Design
Delivered by the seasoned staff from Autodesk, this talk focuses on how generative design technologies are effectively used at two critical scales in architecture–the scale of space planning and the scale of interior finishes. We’re looking forward to “exploring high-performing design options in the context of complex and competing objectives” and can’t wait to learn more about Autodesk and their recent office redesign in Toronto.
Green Building in 2019: What You Need To Know Now and What’s Next
Sustainability is important to us at Deprolabs, seeing as our product, the Goldoon, aims to use water more efficiently. We’re interested to hear what Jeff Ranson of the Canadian Green Building Council has to say about emerging green trends that are influencing interior design.
Emerging Technologies and Human Experience: How Machine Learning and Neuroscience are Changing How We Design
Creating thoughtful, efficient, and effective interior design relies on truly understanding the customer and how they feel when interacting with your products. Vedran Dzebic, Head of Research and Development at Entro, will deliver a talk on emerging technologies that can provide valuable insights on the user experience, and how these advancements can support the design process of your interior design products.
The Science of Colour and Light
If you’ve read our blog, you know we’re supporters of using the most effective light, colours, and textures in your office design to promote more productivity and contentment in your employees. Peter Umanec, Architectural and Design Representative at Benjamin Moore, will explore the design impact of lighting, colour temperature, and more, and discuss problems that occur when designers use substitutions or poor colour matching techniques.
And We’re Off to the Interior Design Show 2019 in Toronto!
There you have it, that’s our top picks for seminars at IDS 2019! What are you most excited to see at the conference? If you’ll be there, send us a Tweet or email to let us know. We’d love to hear what you think of the sessions.